Tired, fed-up & emotional?
Want to feel like YOU again?

Tired, fed-up and emotional?
Want to feel like YOU again?
Hi, I’m Helen
I’m a registered nutritional therapist and wellbeing coach dedicated to helping women in midlife rebalance their hormones and regain their health, energy and confidence!
My personalised 1:1 programmes help you introduce simple and powerful dietary and lifestyle habits, that will bring your body and mind back into balance and get you back to feeling your best.
If you would like to know more about how I could help you, please book in a free no-obligation call below

Are your hormones
out of balance?
Our hormones effect every cell in our body and have a profound impact on our energy levels, mood, sleep, stress response, sex drive and fat stores. If your hormones are out of whack, you can experience or feel….
Sluggish, tired, or flat out exhausted
Anxious or sad for no particular reason
Easily irritable, tearful or angry
Excess weight, especially around the middle
Brain fog, poor concentration and focus
PMS, irregular, heavy or painful periods
Hot flushes or night sweats
Low libido, vaginal dryness or pain during sex
Difficulty getting to sleep or night-time waking
Hair loss, headaches or skin problems
Cravings for sugar, coffee, alcohol to lift your mood or energy
You don’t have to feel like this anymore!
My 1:1 programmes combine proven and effective nutritional and lifestyle strategies that help to rebalance your hormones and get you back to feeling your very best.
Increase your energy
Lift your mood
Balance your emotions
Loose that stubborn weight
Sharpen your mind
Increase your sex drive
Improve your sleep
Reduce hot flashes and night sweats
Get you back to feeling like yourself again!
“I have to say I feel so much better already, my mood is brighter and happier, I’m laughing and smiling a lot more! I have more energy, my skin looks brighter. I just feel more my old self, I’ve also lost 5lbs in weight!! All in all I’m feeling too good to want to go back to my old ways, which is a first for me! Thank you so much for helping me, I’m so grateful and I’m really looking forward to getting better and better! (Helen L)